A/B testing your website can bring so many benefits to your business’s growth. Apart from boosting your conversion rates, you can get a better return on investment without having to generate more leads. Luckily, conducting A/B testing is not as complicated as you think it’ll be. Continue reading this article to find out how to start A/B testing websites.

What Is A/B Testing and Why Do You Want to Use It

A/B testing is a process of testing two or more variations of a marketing asset, such as web pages, emails, and advertisements. This test aims to find out which version meets the given marketing goal over a specific period.

Websites are often the target of A/B testing. This is because conversions can happen on every part of a site. Here what A/B testing websites can help you with:

  • Getting better ROI. A/B testing a website helps increase conversions from your current traffic. Thus, you don’t have to spend more time and energy to get new leads.
  • Reducing website bounce rates. With the perfect website version, you can get users to spend more time on your website.
  • Improving customer experience. Suppose your CTA button is easy to identify. In that case, your customer will highly appreciate it.

Therefore, if you want to make the most of your marketing efforts, add A/B testing into your marketing checklist. 

What Do You Need to Start a Website

Start a Website
Image Source – Unsplash.com

Starting a website is effortless these days. All you have to do is to find a good hosting provider. If you’re looking for a great one, you can check Hostinger. The service offers affordable hosting plans with free domain registrations. Apart from the basic necessities that are hosting and domain, here are the features you need to look for when starting a website:

  • Excellent server uptime. This will determine how accessible your site is. Go for a service that can offer you up to 99.5% uptime guaranteed.
  • Lightning-fast speed. Check if the web hosting can get you under 200 ms server response time.
  • Resources. Calculate the amount of bandwidth, storage space, and CPU power you need to get your site to run smoothly.
  • Backup and security. Prepare one or more copies of your website in case malfunctions to happen. Also, equip your site with DDOS protection to prevent a security breach.
  • Customer service. Ensure you get 24/7 live chat or phone support from your hosting provider. This will ease your website development journey.

How to Start A/B Testing

Now that you have your site up and running, here are the steps to start A/B testing your website: 

1. Research and Pick a Variable to Test

Start your research by analyzing your website insights. Suppose you see some low-performing web pages. That’s great because they provide you with some pointers on where to begin. You can pick a variable, for example, an image on your landing page, to see if changing the element can boost your conversion rates.

2. Set Your Goal

Goals can vary. You can set your goals by asking yourself what you want to improve based on the research you’ve conducted. Do you want to increase the CTA click-through rate? Or do you want to make customers not abandon their carts? Once you’ve determined the perfect goal for your A/B test, set an appropriate time for the conduct of it.

3. Create a “Control” and a “Challenger”

Without control and a challenger, you cannot run the A/B test. The former is the page you are confident in. On the other hand, the latter is the version you think will do better. One tip for that challenger, change only one element from the control. That way, you can find out which part affects your conversion rates.

4. Run the Experiment

In this stage, some of your visitors will get the control page showing up on their screen. Whereas some others will experience the challenger. All the interactions your visitors make will be recorded. So, you can analyze how both versions perform.

5. Analyze the Result

When completed, analyze the test data based on the metrics you’ve set. If one of your versions performs better statistically, you can display it on your website. However, you may see a tie. This can happen when your chosen variable doesn’t have that much impact on the goal you want to achieve. When that happens, you can use the original version or run another test with a different variable. 

What to Do after the A/B Versions Were Published? 

Keep monitoring your website. That’s the most appropriate answer to the questions above. 

The point of A/B versions of a website is to test. You sure will display the winner of your A/B test, but the cycle shouldn’t stop there. Thus, once you’ve published the winning variation, keep track of how it performs. Keep making changes, keep A/B testing a variable, and keep the better-performing version displayed on your website.


Conducting an A/B test can help you find out what your potential customers expect from your site. Thus, start A/B testing your site. Following the steps you’ve learned in this article, get ready to see your conversion rates improve. Good luck!

Categories: Marketing


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